Explained By Brain
Online Training for Parents and carers of young people impacted by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
With Dr Vanessa Spiller
(Clinical Psychologist, FASD Educator, Author and parent to a young adult with FASD)
Sign UpBased on Australia's first FASD book specifically for parents and carers
The Explained by Brain online training provides you, parents and carers, with the information you need to understand and successfully support your child with FASD.
What can you expect from the
Explained by Brain Online FASD training?
Throughout this course you will receive exclusive video's, downloads, a copy of the Explained by Brain (EBB) workbook, access to drop-in-discussion groups, case studies, quizzes, links to external podcasts and videos, and more because the training is constantly expanding to meet the needs of parents and carers.....
31 Learning Modules
200 Lessons & Counting
13 Modules on understanding brain domains and getting practical strategies
12 Modules on tackling complex issues such as aggression, confabulation, stealing and more
10 Modules on supports for parents and carers as they naviagate home, schools and the community
Every module is designed to increase your knowledge and confidence as a parent and provide you with the tools to help your child grow and succeed!
Go at your own pace and join the exclusive monthly discussion groups and meet with other parents and carers!

Brain Domains and Practical Strategies for Support
12 modules which will introduce you to FASD, how it impacts on children, and the foundations of the "Explained by Brain" approach. Lessons include detailed information about each of the brain domains and most importantly practical strategies for supporting your child with FASD. Modules include:
- An introduction to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
- Introduction to the "Explained by Brain" framework
- Adaptive Functioning: The everyday skills of life - social skills, practical skills and more
- Executive Functioning: The control center of the brain - cause and effect, impulsivity, mental flexibility and more
- Brain Structures: How the physical brain can be impacted by prenatal alcohol exposure
- Understanding Cognition and IQ
- Emotional Regulation: Managing strong emotions
- Attention including ADHD
- Motor Skills: Gross & Fine
- Academic Skills: Reading, writing, maths and more
- Language: Understanding and using language
- Memory
- Sensory Issues: Over and under sensitivities, sensory seeking and avoiding and more
Every module includes multiple lessons each designed to increase your FASD knowledge and provide you with practical strategies and supports.

Tackling the Tough Issues!
11 modules dedicated to some of the toughest parts of parenting and caring for a child with FASD. This includes modules on:
- Verbal and physical aggression
- Stealing
- Lying and confabulation
- Mental health, suicide and self-harm
- Inappropriate Sexual Behaviours
- Perseveration or getting stuck
- Sleep
- Managing transitions
- Medication
- Trauma
- Building on Strengths
- Therapy
Lessons in each of these module focus on the toughest of the tough stuff. We explore the brain-based reasons for these complex behavioural symptoms and most importantly how we can "Explain by Brain" to best support our child and ourselves at home, at school and in the community.

Caring for the Carers!
10 modules dedicated to the topics that carers need in order to keep supporting their child long-term. This includes modules on:
- Problem-solving behavioural symptoms
- Building relationships with your child
- Advocating for your child
- Working with multiple services
- Communicating with others about FASD and your child's needs
- Disability or behaviour?
- Self-care for carers
- Grief and loss
- Working with schools
- Supporting for success
Lessons in each of these module focus what we can do for ourselves and our children to give them the best opportunities for success in the long-term.
How can I join the Explained by Brain
training program?
Purchase the Explained by Brain course including video's, drop-in discussions, the Explained by Brain workbook and all extra resources for $450 AUD (excluding GST).
NOTE: Australian domestic purchases include a softcover version of the Explained by Brain workbook, while overseas purchases include a digital version.
Already own this course but want to purchase an additional year of drop-in discussion groups (10 sessions) for $99.00 AUD (excluding GST)?
If you have a 3rd party paying for your training, please discuss this with them first and then ask them to email vanessa@jumpstartpsychology.com to organise an invoice and payment. Please note that you cannot commence the training until payment has been recieved.
Sample the video's below for an introduction to the "Explained by Brain" content...
A little about me... (5 mins)
An introducation to the program
Using the Explained by Brain framework to problem solve complex behavioural symptoms
Frequently Asked Question
Can I join any time?
Can my partner do it too?
Is the program accessible under the NDIS?
What if I can't attend the drop-in discussion groups?
How long will the training take?
Do you like feedback?
Can I get a certificate for attending?
What if my young person doesn't have a diagnosis?
The information and strategies in these video's and other resources, while well researched, are general in nature. They don't take into account your personal circumstances and they are not a substitute for professional advice. Please consult treating professionals for an individualised diagnosis and treatment plan for your young person or person you are supporting with FASD.